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SayUncle Stats

Neat. But how do they know that?

5 Responses to “SayUncle Stats”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    They might have bought access to a database such as DoubleClick or something. Anyway, it seems they are trying to get sites to add code, (like a web bug) to your page.

    Thanks for the tip. I’ll add to my AdBlock Plus list.

  2. Linoge Says:

    Might also want to add as well.

  3. _Jon Says:

    I entered my site and they had no info. But they had a link to “get Quanitfied”.

    That link is this:

    Perhaps you can glean their method of gleaning via that….

  4. Joe Huffman Says:

    Here is how they say they do it:

    We collect our data through affiliations with partners, who include advertisers, publishers, ISPs and advertising networks. All the data we collect is anonymous and contains no personally-identifiable information.

    They don’t have much on my sites but then I’m my own reseller of ISP services so I don’t give out those logs except when legally required to or I figure life and/or property might be in danger. I do have somewhat related stats available however.

  5. Magus Says:

    The site appeals to a primarily male, more educated, somewhat wealthy group.The typical visitor reads and frequents Google Groups.

    Male — check.
    More educated — if they say so.
    Somewhat wealthy — I wish.
    Reads — never heard of it.
    Frequents Google Groups — I avoid Google Groups like the purple plague. If you’re going to do USENET, get a real NewsReader.

    Killing all posts from Google Groups
    The Usenet Improvement Project –

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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