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Say you’re someone who makes your living putting bad guys in jail. Well, in that line of work, you’d probably piss a lot of people off. And maybe you’d need a weapon for self-defense. The trouble is, your boss is an idiot.

3 Responses to “Stupidery”

  1. Joe Huffman Says:

    I left a duplicate of the following on the other site but I might as well get the word spread around as much possible:

    If she were to be fired for getting the permit her boss would be comitting a felony: 18 USC 242 ( ).

    She also might have a civil case for wrongful termination. My lawyer has done a bunch of research on this and is willing to share the information. His website is if someone needs to contact him. Tell him “Joe sent me.”

  2. Cactus Jack Says:

    I’ll bet that Patricia Jessamy has a conceled permit and/or bodyguards. Any takers?

  3. straightarrow Says:

    I couldn’t get the page to work, but here is my idea.

    One more thing, your friend needs to tell every defendant she prosecutes , who her boss is and that anything she does is at her behest. Perhaps she could have a card printed up with the boss’s name and a statement to that effect. Bet that would change her policy.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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