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Parker/Heller update

RNS notes DC’s screw up:

he’s taking advantage of DC’s attorneys’ foulup to get the district court to immediately allow DC residents to possess long guns.

2 Responses to “Parker/Heller update”

  1. blackfork Says:

    I hope Ann Coulter assembles a Garand immediatly. Someone with a DC radio show ought to do it and suggest that any governmental office, bureau or body thinking it was illegal should come arrest them forthwith.

    We sure have a lot of government these days.

  2. straightarrow Says:

    It appears that with the unintentional aid of DC attorneys the Court is being boxed into a favorable decision on 2A and its application to individuals. Therefore, I join with several others in believing the Court will deny cert. with no explanation.

    I do not think they have the moral fiber nor the intellectual honesty to rule properly and with so many options for a byzantine opinion that would not lessen the power of government to continue abusing the rights of citizens under the 2A being removed they will refuse to hear the case.

    It seems likely that they will prefer to let the District Court ruling stand that affects only DC, rather than issue an opinion that would have nationwide consequences against gun control, thus lessening the power of the state.

    This court and the nearly same court before it, have consistently ruled correctly in cases involving only levels of government, but have a sorry record in rulings when the power of the state is challenged by private citizens, e.g. Kelo v. New London et. al.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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