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PSH against video games

Seems the Nintendo Wii has a controller that is shaped like a gun. Pants Shitting Hysteria ensues.

8 Responses to “PSH against video games”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    I blame Duck Hunt!

  2. Greg Morris Says:

    Correct link

  3. BobG Says:

    I’m at a loss for something to say…

  4. Music City Bloggers » Blog Archive » PSH: My New Fave Acronym Says:

    […] Wii. It makes me really wish I had a spare three hundred bucks, because the Wii rocks my socks. Say Uncle points this morning to some people who are upset because apparently you can get a Wii cont…. Oh, noes! Not a […]

  5. _Jon Says:

    The pictured items are not described correctly.
    There are three items there
    – the Wii “remote”, the horizontal piece
    – the Wii “nunchuk”, the vertical piece to the right
    – a new, as-yet introduced, “frame”, that each piece snaps into

    The Wii remote can act as a laser-pointer, so placing it into a frame like that would allow it to be used in a similar manner as aiming and firing a weapon.

    PSH, however, is very accurate.

  6. Adam Lawson Says:

    Yeah, because there were never gun peripherals for other systems.

    Oh wait, there were. This is ridiculous because every successful system has had some sort of gun attachment since the NES — which CAME with the zapper. The SNES has what looked like a rocket launcher, so did the Genesis.

    What kind of pansy overprotected kids are these parents raising?

  7. Cactus Jack Says:

    “What kind of pansy overprotected kids are these parents raising?”

    The next generation of spineless, pant shitting liberals.

  8. Chas Says:

    When I was kid, the gun looked like a 1911. None of this pansy-looking, stylized, quasi-gun-looking nonsense. The Wii gun looks like it would be appropriate for a futuristic Peter Pan who didn’t have the balls to shoot someone as necessary.
    Let’s hope that the after market manufacturers have more cajones, and make something that looks like it could really slay some enemies.

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