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How to cure gun controllers

A must read.

6 Responses to “How to cure gun controllers”

  1. triticale Says:

    It’s really Mister Nick’s story. I wish I could tell him that I’m succeeding in getting it out, but when I mentioned that I advocate gun rights on the Internet, he said “I don’t get those computers” and changed the subject.

  2. Joseph A Nagy Jr Says:

    Great story, I’ll be sure to link to it from my blog in the morning.

  3. Sebastian Says:

    Last night Bitter and I had dinner with Dan Pehrson, president of the Pennsylvania Firearms Owners Association. I had my Reds cap on, and he had one of their t-shirts on, which depict several politically incorrect firearms. We were talking shop when this lady who was sitting behind us gets up and says “You never know who’s sitting behind you”, glares really bitchily at Bitter, then gets in her Jag with New Jersey tags and just glares at us as her husband drives them off, presumably back over the bridge where she belongs.

    Great bit of Reasoned DiscourseTM on the streets of Philadelphia.

  4. thirdpower Says:

    Guess they didn’t like the smell of cleaning solvent.

  5. Alcibiades Says:

    I guess they don’t like the idea of women owning guns.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    What they don’t like is the evidence of liberty.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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