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Another anti-gun hypocrite

Sylvester Stallone circa 1998: Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you’re gonna have. It’s pathetic. It really is pathetic. It’s sad. We’re living in the Dark Ages over there.

Then why does he have a concealed carry permit. In LA, where they only give them to the rich and famous.

Like you and me, only better.

Et tu, Bernie Mac?

Via David.

5 Responses to “Another anti-gun hypocrite”

  1. countertop Says:

    Bernie Mac’s cool – and vocally pro gun.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Then why was he at a Brady fundraiser?

  3. Dan Says:

    Good investigative work. I was suprised they didn’t sweep that blogger under the rug.

    I know that James Olmos director-guy didn’t get a concealed and carry permit when the Mexican Mafia put the greenlight on him for making that movie American Me. I am just wondering what Stallone’s situation is where he would need a concealed carry permit. Not complaining about CC, just about CCs for people that want to take my rights away.

  4. countertop Says:


    perhaps I need to follow links more often

  5. Sigivald Says:

    It’s been 9 years since 1998. Maybe Sly just learned his lesson and changed his mind?

    It’s not hypocrisy to change your mind, after all – but it will be if he is still against ownership of firearms for The Little People.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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