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Gun Pr0n

My new baby:


 It’s a Smith & Wesson 6906. A nice sized 9mm that will be serving as my winter carry gun.  Spotted it at the Range while shooting with Squeeks and Company.

I used to own one of these, about 15 years ago. It was the first gun I actually bought from a gun store (Ft. Bliss Rod & Gun, actually). I really liked it.

There’s a long story about how I was parted from it, but I won’t concern you all with that here. Maybe over at TGB sometime.

Suffice it to say, shooting it was a pleasure. It’s like an old friend moving back into town.

6 Responses to “Gun Pr0n”

  1. Squeaky Wheel Says:

    Okay, we’re so going to the range again soon and “trading” guns. That looks like it would be a lot of fun to shoot.

    Congrats on the new addition. 🙂

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Sounds like a plan!

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    Good looking pistol. Too bad that Springfield Armory didnt include a nice leather holster and mag carrier with the XD-45 instead of plastic ones.

  4. alex. Says:

    “Too bad”? How so? Leather is just dead cow skin, persuaded to rot slowly. Dead dinosaurs (aka: plastic) is where it’s at. Anyway, S.A. deserves praise for including a holster and mag pouch along with a nice pistol.

  5. Cactus Jack Says:

    “Too bad”? How so? Leather is just dead cow skin, persuaded to rot slowly.”
    Not if you take care of it. I have a Civil War type leather flap holster for a cap and ball pistol that I’ve had since 1981 and it’s still in excellent condition.

    And if you saw the holster and mag carrier that comes with the XD you’d know where I’m coming from. They’re OK and useful but there’s better out there.

  6. Rustmeister Says:

    Actually, that holster was for the one I had 15 years ago. I kept it to remind me to get another when the time/price was right.

    Also, that model hasn’t been made in years, this was a consignment weapon. I bought the mag carrier too. It came with 2 mags and the case. No book, but I could take down that weapon in my sleep.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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