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Nifong, a fitting end

He should have served time. But at least he can’t hurt anyone else.

When young people ruin their lives they ask, “Would you like fries with that?” When older people ruin their lives they ask, “And this living room really lets the light in, doesn’t it?”

The Dog Ate My Law License

AUGUST 15–In a pathetic end to the Mike Nifong saga, the disgraced North Carolina prosecutor who handled the Duke rape investigation has turned in his law license, noting that he never framed or displayed the document because it had been damaged “by a puppy in her chewing stage.” Additionally, in an August 7 letter to the North Carolina State Bar, Nifong noted that the law license also contained a misspelling of his middle name (which is Byron).

7 Responses to “Nifong, a fitting end”

  1. Blounttruth Says:

    Don’t give Nifong such a hard time. DA’s across this country conduct themselves exactly as he did on a regular basis, but the majority are not put in the limelight as he was for such a high profile case. The DA’s in this area are interested I one thing and one thing only, and that is to convict and close cases. Their general attitude is that if a few innocent people are convicted they are casualties of their stepping stones to the top. The true beauty of this is that these are the people that usually become judges in the future…

  2. Danno Says:

    Nifong whining about “..fundamental unfairness..”

    Now that’s rich!

  3. Lyle Says:

    Let the civil suits begin.

  4. blackfork Says:

    This man degraded the justice system and is a poster boy for everything that is wrong at the courthouse. I think prosecutors like him are VERY common. They have just about destroyed respect for civil governance in this country.

  5. fundraisers Says:

    Here in Raleigh, we’re glad to see Nifong gone. He was ten times as embarassing as Jesse Helms and that’s saying something!

  6. tkdkerry Says:

    Don’t give Nifong such a hard time.

    WHAT THE FUCK? Because what he did was typical? Jeezus peezus, that only means we need more rope and trees. Every goat-bumping one of them that comports themselves like that needs to get it good and hard.

  7. serr8d Says:

    Nah, won’t miss him.

    Wouldn’t miss the boat load of his supporters, either (overwhelmingly Democratic) if they too would float off over the horizon…

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