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Attention Geeks!

A couple of recent DVD releases you might be interested in. For fans of the 1980 Sci-Fi cult classic with the glorious Queen soundtrack, be sure to check out Flash Gordon: Saviour of the Universe Edition. It’s especially relevant, given the recent launch of the not-very-good SciFi Channel series.

Also, The Tick vs. Season Two is now available, albeit with one episode missing (as was also the case with the Season One DVD). Sadly, the missing episode this time is “Alone Together,” the Omnipotus episode, one of my favorites from that season.

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Cross-posted at Lean Left

10 Responses to “Attention Geeks!”

  1. Lean Left » Attention Geeks! Says:

    […] at Say Uncle, where I’m guest blogging this week. […]

  2. Squeaky Wheel Says:


  3. Linoge Says:

    Yeah, I cannot say as though I was terribly impressed with the premier of the new Flash Gordon series. I mean, it is scifi, so I will watch it, but still… Of course, if they are looking to just completely draw on the B-style of the original series, they are doing that, and much more, quite well.

    That said, all of this pales in comparison to the release of the Collector’s Edition of Serenity. Buy it, and buy it often.

  4. LKP Says:

    Criterion is releasing Robinson Crusoe On Mars next month on dvd. It has never been released on video before.

  5. Jay G. Says:

    I’ve been waiting for Tick Vs. Season Two ever since, well, I got Tick Vs. Season One…

    Just can’t get enough of the “Big Blue Bug of Justice”…

  6. Drake Says:

    Chairface Chippendale?

  7. Rustmeister Says:

    I liked the SciFi series more than I liked that cheesey movie. Good soundtrack, though.

  8. tgirsch Says:


    I think whether someone likes the 1980 movie depends a lot on whether they like the original Buster Crabbe serials. The movie was remarkably loyal to the serials, and if you’re familiar with them, the film was brilliantly cast. It’s also the first movie I ever remember seeing that looked like a comic book. It succeeded where Dick Tracy failed miserably, in my estimation.

  9. KCSteve Says:

    So what’s the deal with the one missing episode? Do they think we’ll buy the individual seasons when they come out and then buy the ‘complete’ set when the finally release it?

    Ok, yeah, we will, but the point is that we’d buy it anyway – they don’t have to hold these episodes hostage!

  10. Dan Says:

    Thanks for the geek update.

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