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When nail guns are outlawed …

… only outlaws will have nail guns.

Bruce has an example of the kind of anti gun attitude that plagues the New Jersey media, and suggests that perhaps it could one day require licenses to own nail guns.

UPDATE: Correction from earlier posting, where I thought Bruce was quoting from the article.   The fact that I was easily convinced New Jersey would already regulate nail guns shows that Bruce is indeed correct that it’s just not that far from reality.

5 Responses to “When nail guns are outlawed …”

  1. bob r Says:


    The homeowner was subsequently charged with unlawful possession of a commercial-grade nail gun without a state-issued contractors license, and held on $25,000 bail.

    “That would be funny if it weren’t teetering so freakin’ close to the brink of reality.”

    The line you quote is Bruce’s attempt at a little humor — it is _not_ from the linked article.

    Personally, I’ve never seen a nail gun that I would not describe as “commercial-grade”; looks to be like a reporter just needed to up the word-count.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    Ooops… you’re right. I need to read more carefully. Let me figure out how to correct this.

  3. Sebastian Says:

    OK… fixed. Thanks. I’m having to up my reading speed big time to keep up with posting here and back at my site.

  4. _Jon Says:

    On the plus side, then only US Citizens (who can prove citizenship) will be able to get a license to operate a nail gun. Right? I mean, they wouldn’t add an exemption for non-US workers, would they? Right?


  5. bob r Says:

    Yeah, pretty believable that they would require a license.

    From wikipedia:

    Most manufacturers of powder-actuated nail guns offer training and certification for operators. Many projects and employers require this certification before an employee is permitted to use the tool.

    In Australia they are referred to as Ramset guns (after one of the major manufacturers), where they are classed as firearms. As such their ownership and use is regulated in Australia. The owner has to register the tool, and an operator of one of these tools is required to have a license and to have undergone training in their use.

    I cannot find any reference to it but I recall reading something a few years ago about nailguns in general requiring a license in Austrailia – not just the powder operated type.

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