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Squeaky Wheel here.

Just wanted to say “hi” in a more, um, “normal” way.

I volunteered to guest blog here because I’m currently in the process of testing out guns for purchase, and am going to be attending the TN permit class in 10 days (and hopefully getting my certificate, so I can go ahead and get into the queue for a carry permit).

I figured that some of you might be interested in reading this process from my perspective, as someone who grew up in a pretty liberal (“hippie”-ish) household.  My dad, for example, doesn’t know that I’m in the process of getting my permit, or that I’m likely going to be purchasing a gun soon (he might shit a brick when he finds out).  My stepmother is *really* against guns.  My sisters are indifferent.  So I’ve been pretty ignorant of the whole process, the 2nd Amendment itself, and the options that I have until, oh, a couple of months ago.  A lot of people who are adult “gun nuts” have shot for years, or have been exposed to guns in some capacity earlier in their lives.  I’m one of the ones who wasn’t.

I hope I can keep you at least moderately entertained, and, as always, any suggestions, insights, or constructive criticism are welcome.  As on my personal blog, however (and as Uncle said in his “fishing for guest bloggers” post), don’t be an asshole.

This will be the last you hear from me until Monday, due to a trip of my own that I’m taking this weekend.

Everyone have a great weekend!

(I *had* to use this tag, because it makes me laugh.)

2 Responses to “Introduction?”

  1. John Hardin Says:

    Welcome aboard!

  2. pipsqueak Says:

    Thanks, John!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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