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Remember last campaign season when politicians said they’d do something about high gas prices?

They decided to raise them.

4 Responses to “Remember last campaign season when politicians said they’d do something about high gas prices?”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    The problem of course is that petroleum fuel is experiencing market failure. You’re going to pay now, or pay later, but sooner or later you’re going to pay more. The cost you’re paying at the pump doesn’t reflect the true cost of the fuel any more than the box of strawberries you buy at the grocery store reflects the cost to society from the illegal immigrant who picked them.

  2. Tam Says:

    You’re right; the price mostly reflects government extortion taxes. The .gov has been making much larger windfalls from your gas dollar than the oil companies have.

    At least they’ve been using those gas tax dollars to shore up our crumbling infrastructure, though…

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    And when the price of fuel goes up, up, and away, who’s the dem-cong that caused it gonna blame? You guessed it, Bush!

  4. ben Says:

    can the house do that all by themselves? Doesn’t that tax bill have to go through the senate and the president for a swift veto? What gives??

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