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Remember Pro Gun and Federalist Giuliani?

Me neither:

Of course, I don’t remember hair either.

5 Responses to “Remember Pro Gun and Federalist Giuliani?”

  1. Pro-Gun Progressive » Just a Reminder Says:

    […] Rudy is still an idiot. Man, he told some whoppers; some quick rebuttals seem appropriate. […]

  2. CTD Says:

    I’d love to see one of these media enablers just ONCE ask gun bigots like Giuliani this simple question:

    What, precisely, IS an “assault weapon?”

    The results would be so painfully, embarrassingly stupid it would resonate for years afterward.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    I would much prefer that they ask him if he knows the meanining of “shall not be infringed.”

  4. Cactus Jack Says:

    I’d love to see one of these media enablers just ONCE ask gun bigots like Giuliani this simple question:

    What, precisely, IS an “assault weapon?”

    The friggin media dosnt even know! They just lap up shit like what Giuliani was spewing and figure that HE knows.

  5. trainer Says:

    I tol’ ja.

    This guy is only a conservative in NYC. In Kansas he’d be considered a barking moonbat.

    I honor him for his handling of 911, but that played to his strong suit. He’s a left-leaning authoritarian. In NYC that’s the definition of a conservative.

    Conservative he is not. He is not even as conservative as our present RINO in chief.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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