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Never underestimate capacity

David on Fincher:

If every one of us did what Fincher did, there would be no more gun control laws in this country.

I disagree. Look no further than the war on drugs. It continues despite high numbers of drug dealers, high numbers of customers, huge volumes of drugs, and huge amounts of cash. I’m not comparing drug dealers to gun rights folks but noting that volume doesn’t seem to dissuade enforcement types. After all, they have nothing but time and your money to spend. David also notes:

Because we will not stand up en masse, any one of us who does will be cut down.

On that, I agree. Gun owners need to unify a bit more.

One Response to “Never underestimate capacity”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    It would be the sea turtle defense. The birds and sharks would still nail their fair share of sea turtles making their way to the open sea, but there’d be so many of them, the odds of an one sea turtle getting eaten would be lower.

    Of course, we’d be the first sea turtles they’d gobble up, as an example to all the other sea turtles 🙂

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