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Philly to PA: Waaaaah

I’m looking for the it ain’t fair and don’t dis me provisions in the constitution and can’t seem to find them. In other news, the only thing more useless at fighting crime than gun control is candlelight vigils.

6 Responses to “Philly to PA: Waaaaah”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Nah, candle light vigils are more effective at fighting crime than gun control. 0 > -1.

  2. K-Romulus Says:

    Two of the EIGHT city bills include a NYC & Chicago-style “turn them in” AWB, a mag capacity limit of 16 rounds, and a requirement that CCW renewals include a declaratory listing of ALL firearms owned by the renewer.

  3. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Perhaps the rest of the state can sue the legislature for creating a ‘state of danger’ by continuing to allow Philadelphia County to be part of Pennsylvania.

  4. Nathaniel Says:

    A problem with a simple solution, really–just let New Jersey have it. The two would get along just fine.

  5. Sebastian Says:

    People keep saying that, but screw that idea! Then they’d get exactly what they want, their crime rate would still be out of this world, and I would no longer be able to carry in Philadelphia, and I’d risk arrest every time I’d go to see Bitter.

  6. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I see no reason to leave the Gates of Hell open just because you want to visit one of the inmates, Sebastian. ;P

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