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This law is so stupid

How stupid is it? Even the local newspaper thinks it’s stupid. The KNS on the ‘card your grandmother’ law:

There is a perception — wishful thinking, perhaps — that the new law will help curb underage drinking. It might do that initially, while there is a lot of emphasis on producing IDs, but both business concerns and the state should monitor this over the long term. If they can show that it does curb underage drinking, it will be a plus in considering renewing the act next year.

Another flaw is the act’s contempt toward local authorities, particularly city and county beer boards that traditionally have punished those caught selling to underage customers. Said Knoxville City Councilman Rob Frost earlier this month, “In my opinion, the best decisions are made on the local level.”

One Response to “This law is so stupid”

  1. Lyle Says:

    In my opinion, the best decisions are made on the individual level. This is because individuals are the ones with the rights to their own lives. Hence we have no use for beer boards, or for city councilmen’s comments on underage drinking.

    Parents? Are you your kids’ parents, with all parental rights reserved, or is the beer board your kids’ surrogate parent? Or perhaps better put: Why am I being forced to pay for your crappyy, overpriced babysitters when I have kids of my own to raise?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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