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Porn Tax

Dear Rep,

It is possible for two people to have the same stupid idea.


3 Responses to “Porn Tax”

  1. Dave Says:

    Just another way to pick off easy targets. No one objects to the Jesse James act perpetrated on smokers because they don’t smoke. People hooked on porn are next. After that, maybe they will get around to special taxes for anyone above a certain weight, and so on.
    Death by a thousand cuts I say. We need less government, not more revenue for the beast that would be our master.

  2. Blounttruth Says:

    I heard on the radio that on the fourth a group was somewhere protesting something (I am sure it was to do with taxes) by dumping tea bags into a river to represent the Boston Tea party. However clever and representative it is to the issues of today it is certainly not enough to even turn a head in Washington. We as Americans are too comfortable to forcibly demand that the over taxation stop! Over 1/3 of our income is eaten by politico’s pork spending as well as programs that will never assist the working man/woman. If they want a real Boston tea party they need to gain support online via a blog or celeb, and plan on 08 being the year of change. If a large number of the population decided to file exempt on their W2 in 08 and demanded that the insane wastes in spending stop or the taxes would have to be retrieved via blood, sweat, and tears (The same way it was earned) it would certainly open some eyes.
    The war on drugs now costs local and federally 27 billion dollars and pork spending this year reached 29 billion dollars. Wonder how much good our Country could do if 56 billion dollars was put to use in positive manners that help all citizens and relieved tax burdens? These are two examples of many, many more abuses of spending by our hollowed out, one track minded, greedy, money crazed politicos.
    I am still having trouble swallowing that our politico’s would even consider the possibility of allowing amnesty of 20 million plus illegals in to our country, many of whom are criminal and gang related….
    If the people do not keep a close watch on these imbeciles they are going to ensure their wealth and comfortable life styles and leave We The People in the dust. I doubt there will be another American revolution in the way one would think about revolution, but there has to be something on a large scale in this Country to take it back and remind these money hungry, treasonous, idiots that they work for us and we have decided to cut wages and pensions on their sorry asses.

  3. Dave Says:

    I rest my case.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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