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In Texas:

A state lawmaker who opposed a bill giving Texans stronger right to defend themselves with deadly force pulled a gun and shot a man he says was trying to steal copper wiring from a construction site, police said Monday.

And what was the bill he opposed? This one:

Miles, a Democrat, voted against a bill that gives Texans stronger legal right to defend themselves with deadly force in their homes, vehicles, and workplaces. The so-called “castle doctrine,” passed by the Legislature this year, states that a person has no duty to retreat from an intruder before using deadly force. The law goes into effect Sept. 1.

You should have retreated, you know, to be consistent.

4 Responses to “Irony”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Well, he needs to be charged. The law doesn’t go into effect till Sept 1.

  2. Jay Says:

    Seems like lots of anti-gunners change their minds after they’re mugged/robbed/assaulted. Funny that.

  3. nk Says:

    He definitely needs to be charged. You don’t kill over copper wire. (Even if the thief didn’t die, I am one of those weird people who thinks that shooting someone is sufficient proof of intent to kill.)

  4. Rabbit Says:

    He’s probably going to take more heat from his constituents than anywhere else. It’s just not right to cap one o’ the brothers for tryin’ to make a little scratch here and there.

    I’m sure the usual screechers will come out to say what an angel the shootee was and how he was tryin’ to provide for the baby and babymomma.


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