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Politically Incorrect dogs on watch list

Seems we have all kinds of lists. Terror lists, sex offender lists, etc. Now (via reader JKB), your dog might be on one:

If you reside in the Commonwealth of Virginia, be advised–Big Brother is extending his watch beyond the usual range of monitored activities. Not satisfied with simply tracking the routine stuff: your driving record, tax compliance, payment of child support, etc., Virginia state government is now expanding its purview, creating one of the nation’s first “Dangerous Dogs Registry.”

According to the Associated Press and WAVY-TV in Norfolk, the registry is in its early stages, so you won’t find many dangerous pooches listed–at least, not yet. However, the database is patterned on those established for sex offenders, allowing residents to search for canine threats by location or zip code.

Already in the registry is a dog that bit a bicyclist and another that killed a Persian cat that wandered into the dog’s back yard. Under Virginia’s Dangerous Dog Law (passed by the General Assembly last year), the designation can be applied to any canine if it bites, attacks or causes any type of injury to a person or an animal, provided the dog is not protecting its owner. Police dogs are exempt from the new statute, according to the state’s Chief Veterinarian, Dr. Richard Wilkes.

And if you’re dog is on the list:

Under the new law, owners of dangerous dogs must enter them into the statewide registry; confine the animal to a fenced run or other, secure shelter; obtain at least $100,000 in liability insurance for their property, and place the dog on a leash or muzzle when taking the dog off their property.

6 Responses to “Politically Incorrect dogs on watch list”

  1. anon Says:

    What, no dangerous cat list?

    By the standards applied here to dogs, any cat that catches and kills a bird should be on a ‘dangerous cat’ list.

    Government stupidity knows no bounds.

  2. straightarrow Says:

    I had a dog that insisted on trying to bite people. I didn’t need the state to tell me what to do. I killed him. I hated to do it, but he needed it.

  3. Magus Says:

    erm….. “And if you’re dog is on the list:”….?

    I’m just saying….

  4. Sailorcurt Says:

    My dogs have a penchant for leaving recently deceased specimens of Your Standard Issue Norfolk Rat, laying on our back porch.

    Should my dogs be added to the dangerous dog list? I consider their contributions to be beneficial to the entire neighborhood. Besides, I’ve never seen a rat torn up by them. I don’t think they attack said rats…I think they “play with them” to death.

    I actually saw the Lab mix (Roxy) playing with one shortly after it had de-animated. She would pick it up and shake it, then kind of toss it a few feet. Then, when it didn’t move, she’d go over and nudge it with her nose as if to say “what…you tired of playing already? Get your lazy butt up and let me chase you around some more…”

    Anyway, last time I checked a rat is an animal, I’d say that killing it is causing “any type of injury” and I really don’t think that they are trying to protect us when they are engaged in their festivities with their gray furry friends.

    I guess I’ve just got to face up to the fact that I’m an owner of dangerous dogs. Shame on me.

  5. Gov_ff Says:

    With all the things that need to be fixed in ANY state, not to mention the country as a whole, I find it mind boggleing that some beauecrats are wasting time and resources on crap like this!

  6. Dude Says:

    Hmmm, I see what you’re saying Magus, “you’re” is not equal to “your”.

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