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ID For Beer Update

Michael Silence notes that it is not a law that your local convenience store clerk take down your drivers license number:

I’ve talked with state Sen. Randy McNally and Tom Tique, deputy legislative attorney for the General Assembly, and both said they know of no state requirement for stores to take down the driver’s license number when purchasing beer. Tique said he suspects that is an “urban myth” making the rounds. State Sen. Tim Burchett also said he knows of no such law.

So, any clerks that are doing that can get bent.

5 Responses to “ID For Beer Update”

  1. countertop Says:

    I bought a six pack of beer last night at in Chattanooga and no one carded me

  2. #9 Says:

    I hold on to the DL. I won’t let it go. No way they will have a chance to use a scanner on my DL.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    I bought a 12-pack of Guinness the other day in Richmond and got carded. I resisted the urge to ask the carding dolt if Tennessee had just annexed Virginia.

  4. Tennessee Budd Says:

    The TN legislators who voted for this can get bent–I’m already going to vote against mine over the anti-private-property smoking ban.

  5. markm Says:

    Hey, I wouldn’t get upset if someone thought I still looked under 21. OTOH, there’s no need to record the DL #, let alone scan the DL. Most stores even have big posters displaying the year minus 21 for cashiers that can’t do simple arithmetic. (I suppose that expecting everyone handling money for you to be capable of simple arithmetic is a lost cause in the USA.)

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