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SayUncle: all multiculti n’ stuff

In light of all the talk résumés about Bitter emails this:

“Résumé,” by the way, is a French word with both “Es” accented, and literally means “summary.” In English one often sees it without the accents, or with only the second accent, neither of which is a serious error. But if you’re trying to show how multilingual you are, remember the first accent.

2 Responses to “SayUncle: all multiculti n’ stuff”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    I disagree. English doesn’t normally use accents, and the only reason to use any is because both are there in the original French. If you’re showing off how multilingual you are, remember both accents. If you’re into freedom fries, ditch both. Including one without the other is a faux step, right up there with calling the French capital “puh-RISS” or “Perry.”

    [And yes, I do think it sounded really stupid when I said half of “faux pas” in French and translated the other half into English. That was the point, dumbcul.]

  2. Alcibiades Says:

    Well, at least you never pronounced “faux pas” as “fuck pass”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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