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Rudy on guns – again

A video.

6 Responses to “Rudy on guns – again”

  1. Ron W Says:

    Guiliani acknowledged the RIGHT to BEAR arms. “Bear” in any dictionary means “carry”, particulary for the clearly implied purpose of self-defense in the 2nd Amendment and certainly included in the 9th Amendment. Yet places like NY City, over which he presided, either makes that right into a privilege granted by government or denies it completely.

    If elected President (and maybe he already has it) Guiliani would have hired guns protecting him everywhere he went…which we should provide. Would he also make pledge to enforce that right for “the people” everywhere in “the land of the free”?

  2. Sebastian Says:

    Sounds like he was trying to use Parker to distance himself from his record, but it isn’t working for me.

  3. Volunteer Voters » Giulani’s Consitutional Position On Guns Says:

    […] Say Uncle points to this very interesting YouTube that forces Rudy Giuliani to elaborate on his seemingly contradictory position on guns. You has asserted that his record of restricting gun rights in New York is not inconsistent with his present position as a federal defender of the second amendment. […]

  4. Gun Legislation & Politics in New York Says:

    […] Hat tip: Say Uncle. […]

  5. robert Says:

    I’ll go with his record as mayor over his “explanation” of Parker. Wish someone had hit him with the follow up question about NYC gun laws being worse than DC.

  6. Diamondback Says:

    You can always tell when a politician is going to lie….he opens his mouth.

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