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Gun control: again, it’s only for the law-abiding

In Connecticut:

The state Senate passed a controversial gun-control bill Wednesday night that could make failure to report the loss or theft of a gun within 72 hours a crime.

The bill is intended to reduce the volume of stolen guns used in violent crimes.

And how exactly will it accomplish that? I’m guessing it will not.

4 Responses to “Gun control: again, it’s only for the law-abiding”

  1. Robert Says:

    In my opionion this is a nail in the coffin the antis are building for the Second Amendment. When registration gets passed, you won’t be able to say you “lost or had stolen” a gun they think you have because they will be able to arrest you if you didn’t report it….lost….or stolen.

    Remember: they said they would eat the whole elephant one bite at a time. This is an important bite.

    Very bad law.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    Robert hit the nail on the head. One more bit of creeping crud. Laws like this pave the way for laws requiring security safes for storage, and then the inevitable “safety inspections” for people brazen enough to exercise a civil right. They want to know where every firearm is at all times just so when the time comes for “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in!”, you can’t say it was stolen back in ’98.

    I propose that we change the law to “every person who steals a firearm must report the stolen firearm to the police within 72 hours”. Of course, that law will be declared an unconstitutional violation of the fifth amendment (against self-incrimination).

  3. #9 Says:

    This reeks of H. Ross Bloomberg and his “Mayors against self-defense” group.

  4. SteVe Says:

    One of the worst parts of the bill is it includes wording to the effect of “…known or should have known”… about when the gun was stolen. I can just imagine if I don’t check the gun safe every time I get home I “should have known”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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