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So, either way, we win?

Fenty may puss out:

Gun-control advocates are quietly acknowledging that Fenty (D) is in a difficult spot. Across the country, many of them and their attorneys have been meeting in conference rooms to analyze the potential damage that could be done nationwide if the D.C. law falls apart. Some fear that an adverse Supreme Court ruling could lead to more gun lobby challenges and the collapse of tough gun regulations in New York, Chicago and Detroit. Other potential casualties include federal laws that require background checks for gun buyers or ban the manufacture of machine guns for civilian use.

So, the good guys win in DC and they’re afraid we’ll win nationwide? Sounds like we won that round. Countertop predicted that there’d be no challenge a bit back. We’ll see.

2 Responses to “So, either way, we win?”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    See my comments on Alphie’s post. I could see this thing going a lot of different directions if DC appeals. If they don’t, that will be universally (and correctly) interpreted as proof that the anti-gunners don’t believe their own rhetoric about the meaning of the Second Amendment. It’s not as good as seeing them smacked hard by the Supreme Court, but it’s close, and far less risky to our side (as there is no guarantee they will get smacked down by the Supremes).

  2. anon Says:

    If they don’t appeal, DC citizens win, but the poor schlubs in Chicago, Hawaii, NYC, are still screwed. If they do appeal, then the whole country wins.

    Frankly, even if they don’t appeal, you can bet that Fenty and the phucktards on the DC council will come up with a new set of restictions/licensing requirements that make it (in practice) a hollow victory and make NYC restrictions look like a walk in the [central] park. Don’t think for even a microsecond that the antis will be good losers. That will not happen. Fenty and the rest of the antis do not have the integrity for it – not an ounce.

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