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Porn stats

$2.84 billion in revenue was generated from U.S. porn sites in 2006. And other stats on the porn industry presented in this video that is safe for work . . . barely.

15 Responses to “Porn stats”

  1. john Says:


    Notable statements:
    89% of porn searches are from inside the USA
    70% of porn searches happen between 9am-5pm


  2. ben Says:

    Porn is dumb. If anyone ever wanted to make their sex-lives less interesting in the long run, they should over stimulate themselves with porn in the short run. It’s sorta paradoxical, in a homer simpson way, but it’s true.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    So dumb that the first thing cavemen scribbled on cave walls was boobies.

  4. Brutal Hugger Says:

    You should take those numbers, especially the ones with dollar-signs, as fictional. I… um… have some experience in this area, and I can tell you that the reported numbers are all way overblown. Part of porn’s self-defense strategy involves hyping those numbers to make the point that lots of Americans love porn and that capitalist countries shouldn’t ban porn. Moreover, many companies overstate their revenue for self-promotional reasons.

  5. Jay G Says:

    Well, to some folk (married guys mostly), there are three choices:

    1. Cheating.
    2. Porn.
    3. Exploding.


  6. Alcibiades Says:

    I swear to god I’m just trying to prevent cancer!

  7. ben Says:

    I’m married, and option 4. the wife, works out pretty well it turns out.

    Yeah, and monkeys do it too. “They” did a study where they found that banana chips or some such were adopted by monkeys as currency. The two things monkeys would pay for were to see images of the dominant monkey’s faces, and to see pictures of monkey butts. We’re not so far removed after all. :p

  8. SayUncle Says:

    I’m married, and option 4. the wife, works out pretty well it turns out.

    you the one with kids or cats? 🙂

  9. ben Says:

    kids, and they’re always in bed by 8:30, unless it’s a movie night. Just watched “Tron.” Boy was that ever ahead of its time.

  10. Sarah Says:

    Ben’s the one with kids; I’m the one with cats.

    My husband also chooses option 4. Porn-addicted men can’t conceive of the idea that there are normal men out there who require neither porn nor multitudes of women, just a healthy wife.

  11. SayUncle Says:

    Who brought up addiction?

  12. Sarah Says:

    I did. A man who doesn’t have a porn problem wouldn’t claim that porn, cheating, or exploding are the only options — unless their wives aren’t very obliging, in which case I can see where they’re coming from.

  13. SayUncle Says:

    i think jay was making a joke.

  14. Sarah Says:

    Yes, but there are men who think that. I dated a few of them. 😛

  15. Jay G Says:

    Unc, there’s a little from your column A, and a little from Sarah’s column B…


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