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Like you and me . . .

only better:

Lawmakers defend a policy that lets them carry guns into the state senate.

The sign out front says “no weapons allowed,” but at least two state senators, both women, bring concealed guns with them to work every day.

And related:

Well, today was the National Peace Officers Memorial Day march on the Capitol. With it, DC was over run with cops from across the nation. That’s a good thing, and we were all proud to welcome them to our city.

The problem is that 4 of them (well a whole lot more than that) were carrying their guns. Again, I support that, except that in DC its illegal. They aren’t Federal Police Officers and DC “officially” doesn’t recognize the right of cops (or anyone) from other jurisdictions to carry here.

Hmmm, what a bout the recent bill passed by congress to let active and retired police carry?

2 Responses to “Like you and me . . .”

  1. Bitter Says:

    On the “related” issue, DC doesn’t always like to “officially” honor federal law.

  2. Gringo_Malo Says:

    Yeah, but didn’t the federal appeals court for DC just strike down the gun ban?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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