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Quote of the day


American gun owners make great scapegoats for governments that refuse to enforce the law in the first place.

Also, I was unaware of this, but the straw-purchaser who got weapons for the little bastards at Columbine was never charged.

2 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Ron W Says:

    I see that one of those who scapegoats gunowners is getting Secret Service protection with hired guns paid for by us. Barack Obama also repeats the old line that “you don’t need an AK-47 to hunt”, but he’s one of those who wants to deny us semi-auto self defense rifles while he’s gonna be protected by the best full-auto hired guns…and they don’t need those to hunt do they?!

    And they will ignore the “gun-free” zones they impose on us!

  2. Jay G Says:

    Robyn Anderson. That’s her name. Remember it.

    She did give a tearful performance in front of the CO legislature imploring them to pass background checks.

    A cynical person would think she was granted immunity for her testimony. But the fact remains, she purchased three firearms for two ineligible people (one was too young, the other was on medication for depression).

    If I’m not mistaken, she could have been prosecuted, under federal law, for at LEAST six crimes – one count for each weapon, doubled for the two shooters.

    And yet she never saw a day in jail.

    People wonder why pro-gun people laugh a bitter laugh when the antis say we need more gun laws…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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