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Funny, only not ha-ha

I saw this Diet Mountain Dew commercial (didn’t get to the remote fast enough) where some dude in NYC is giving a puppet show from his window. A message stating that puppet shows from windows were illegal in NYC (turns out, it really is illegal) flashes on screen. Then, some police guy ordered the SWAT team to take him down. So, they swarm his house. I should note that, in PC fashion, the SWAT team members did not have guns. It’s obviously a bit of funny at the expense of stupid laws. But is it really funny? I mean, stuff like that really happens and I don’t find it amusing at all.

8 Responses to “Funny, only not ha-ha”

  1. _Jon Says:

    Yeah, I’m sure the family of Kathryn Johnston doesn’t think so.

    I haven’t been to an Arby’s since their commercial that showed a person who does flower arrangements get confused “Arbys on the brain” and sending flowers to the wrong people. The joke centered on sending a “Bon Voyage” arrangement to a funeral accidentally. Sure, one would have to be a bit sensitive to be offended by it, but why even go there? There are a *lot* of other topics for distracted mistakes that are funny, but have no chance to offend.

  2. chris Says:

    Why am I thinking that the puppet ordinance is a vestige of the Giuliani administration?

  3. ben Says:

    I’m thinking you were on some sort of controlled substance when you wrote that post. Might wanna go back and edit it for us 🙂

  4. mike hollihan Says:

    Have you seen the commercial for the “swipe’n’go credit card?” Some zookeeper gets sick, so his favorite elephant picks up his pass and takes it to various stores, including a pharmacy for medications! The commercial’s message is supposed be about how easy it is to use, but the message I got loud and clear is anyone can steal that thing from me and use it without question at any store. No one cares who’s using it.

    Not something I’m eager to have or use involving my money.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    No it isn’t funny. There is a commercial now for pizza in which they ask who would arrest them the flavor police? Same type ending with SWAT types.

    There is at least a little truth in all humor, but when there is a lot of tragic truth in it, it isn’t funny.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    ben, yeah, I suck at proofreading (which is to say I don’t do it).

  7. Cam Edwards » Blog Archive » Puppet Show Theatre Says:

    […] can’t believe there’s actually a ban on puppet shows from windows in New […]

  8. Binky .357 Says:

    Actually, I believe the “flower snafu” in the Arbys commercial was a “You go girl!” boquet sent to the funeral.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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