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Another downward hit for newspaper circulation

What could be causing the decline in newspaper circulation? It just keeps going down.

Do you think that maybe since newspapers stopped reporting local news and became echo chambers of liberal blather that might have something to do with the decline?

Oh, and there is that Internet thing.

Do you find that blogs like Say Uncle reflect your thinking more than your local newspaper? Maybe there is a new publisher in town. And no trees must die for the story to be printed.

13 Responses to “Another downward hit for newspaper circulation”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Well, there’s no Gun Pr0n in the Tampa Tribune…

  2. Thirdpower Says:

    I only get my local paper (it’s a small town) for the local news and the comics. By the time they print national/world, it’s two days old.

  3. Drake Says:

    Uncle’s blog is usually the third or fourth site I visit daily, gun porn after the regular porn.

  4. jimmyb Says:

    If there was a Say Uncle paper, I would already have a subscription.

  5. Homer Says:

    If most areas had blogs that covered key local issues, as Uncle and SKB and others have have done for Knoxville, I’d expect newspaper circulation to decline even more.

  6. Metulj Says:

    “Well, there’s no Gun Pr0n in the Tampa Tribune…”

    Well, you’ve got John William Allman writing there. Oh, the stories I can tell…

  7. #9 Says:

    Well, you’ve got John William Allman writing there. Oh, the stories I can tell…

    Butterfly, is this the best you can do? You listed your email address as “”.

    What in the hell does that mean?

    I understood the obscure reference at KnoxBlab but you have lost me on this one.

    Cowboy up and bring some real debate. Let’s see what that giant brain of yours can do.

    BTW, whoever removed KTB from the KnoxViews blogroll is a complete and total pussy. I doubt it was you, I am thinking Randy or Andy. Cheap shot whoever it was.

  8. Metulj Says:

    “Let’s see what that giant brain of yours can do.”

    It can tell you that Laura Cole is going about this all the wrong way. She needn’t even deal with the local folks. She works for TVA, right? THINK ABOUT IT.

    “BTW, whoever removed KTB from the KnoxViews blogroll is a complete and total pussy. I doubt it was you, I am thinking Randy or Andy. Cheap shot whoever it was.”

    And yet, the link to Hornback remains…..

  9. #9 Says:

    It can tell you that Laura Cole is going about this all the wrong way. She needn’t even deal with the local folks. She works for TVA, right? THINK ABOUT IT.

    Oh I have.

    This is the path where everyone gets hurt. How long until EPA mandates NO MORE construction permits in Knox County? Think that will get their attention?

    The Mayor, Scoobie, Lumpy et al are all on the same bus. They are playing chicken with the Feds and TDEC. We have one more chance to get this right before a massive crash.

    After the crash people’s basements will still flood, horses and cows will still get sick. And nothing will have changed. Except the local lawyers will make out real well.

    But there will be a crash because they are too stupid to do anything else.

  10. Metulj Says:

    You said the water was brown, right? Coming down the branch? She needn’t even bother with the Knox County commission. The federal government….

  11. #9 Says:

    You said the water was brown, right? Coming down the branch?

    Like I wrote, I get it. Playing chicken with the Feds…not smart.

    So what should they do metulj?

    BTW, is it too much trouble to move the the other thread that is on this subject?

  12. Matt M Says:

    I’m glad to see my local rag, the San Jose Mercury News, is down 5%. I had read that paper for daily for ten years but I stopped buying it the day they wrote an editorial in favor of renewing the AWB.

  13. #9 Says:

    My local paper the Knoxville News Sentinel is completely ignoring the stormwater issue in Knox County, see the post above this one. Their sin is the sin of omission.

    But to hear the Editor tell the story the News Sentinel is the best paper in the South. The Editor is suing the County Commission for a Sunshine Law violation and he is very proud. Yet the irony of the fact his paper doesn’t report all the news is lost on him.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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