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Local story goes national, Dad takes extreme measures

My post on KTB of a local story that has made it to the Drudge Report.

As first reported on WATE news:

KNOXVILLE (WATE) — A father took extreme measures Wednesday to discipline his 14-year-old son, who he claims was abusing drugs.

Because the boy is a minor, 6 News won’t reveal his or his father’s identity.

The boy was forced to wear a large sandwich board sign that said “I abused & sold drugs,” while standing in front of Cedar Bluff Middle School.

“I would like to say that I’m not out here doing this to humiliate my son,’ the dad said. “I’m doing this because I love him. We do have an extreme drug problem in America, and maybe it’s time for extreme measures that parents need to take to monitor this problem that we have.”

The man says he recently learned after reading the boy’s MySpace page his son was involved with marijuana and OxyContin. That’s when he decided to take immediate action.

6 Responses to “Local story goes national, Dad takes extreme measures”

  1. Austin mike (not the Mike above) Says:

    Well, not quite the same thing, but I once made my son go put on a clean unwrinkled shirt before going to the neighbor’s house for a group dinner. But I think the principle is the same.

    I will only mention, not describe, the hilarity that ensued on another occasion, when my wife found a cache of porn in his school notebook. Showing it to me, she asked, “What do you think of this.” It was all I could do to avoid saying, “Not too bad!”

    The boy in the story will survive, and may actually learn from this event.

  2. metulj Says:

    Lustration: A freeing from sin, guilt, or defilement: purgation , purification. Beats getting the shaving strap.

  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    Child Abductive Services will be by in a couple of hours to take the kid and charge the father. Meanwhile, the next door neighbor who sexually abuses his 4 year-old will never see them.


  4. #9 Says:

    Child Abductive Services will be by in a couple of hours to take the kid and charge the father.

    Sadly, you may be right. I hope not.

  5. Nomen Nescio Says:

    count me as another confused dude who doesn’t see what’s so extreme here. hope the method works, though.

  6. _Jon Says:

    Good idea.

    My son would have had to wait a few weeks for the bruises to heal…..

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