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Big weekend

The Second is now mulletless. This weekend, he had his first haircut. I told the wife that I didn’t mind if he had long hair but no son of mine would have a mullet. And, unfortunately for little boys, that’s just kinda how their hair grows.

Also, we took our first steps this weekend. He took two full steps (though there are differing accounts with one reporter on the scene stating it was three).

3 Responses to “Big weekend”

  1. K'orwyn Says:

    Why shouldn’t the kid have a mullet? I’ve seen your toddler shots (and later), and if I recall correctly, you had a mullet until you graduated high school. 🙂

  2. chris Says:

    I sure hope that you didn’t take him to John Edwards’ hairdresser and drop $400.

  3. SayUncle » Like getting a small raise Says:

    […] past couple of weeks have been big for The Second. I mentioned he’s taken a few steps and had his first haircut. He is also, as of now, off of formula and drinking whole milk. Now, The Second is a big boy. And […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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