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CMP M1 Carbine Update

Les has the lowdown. Seem kinda spendy.

4 Responses to “CMP M1 Carbine Update”

  1. AughtSix Says:

    Shoulda bought the M1 in the store a few weeks ago… $500 for a pretty nice Inland. Or $800 for a really nice one that wasn’t Inland, but wasn’t one of the “interesting” manufacturers. Maybe Underwood? But, I was waiting to see what the CMP prices were going to be. Oh well, I’ll probably still get one.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    Hey, Uncle, you got Tam’s email address? I sent a query to CCA about a Carbine they’re supposed to have in stock, but nada. I thought I’d go straight to the source, but she don’t have a posted address.

    If you do, could you drop me an email?

  3. Jay G Says:

    $500 is about $150 more than I was hoping. At that price, they’re more than the Garands.

    I’ll buy one to have as a shooter, but that’s about it. I’m waiting for Underwood myself…

  4. SayUncle Says:

    kevin, call the shop:

    865 966 4545


    VOL 9mm 4545

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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