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On the difference between boys and girls

We have some cute photos of Junior in the bathtub. And she’s just adorable. These photos decorate our downstairs bathroom wall. Last night, I had The Second in the tub and was trying to get some cute photos of him to match. Trouble is that boys have dangling junk and it’s hard to take a photo where it’s not visible when they stand in the tub.

And baby boys crawling nude: not cute.

8 Responses to “On the difference between boys and girls”

  1. Drake Says:

    Your gonna have to buck up sir, those photos for prom-night embarrassment purposes aren’t going to take themselves.

  2. Adam Lawson Says:

    Ditto what Drake said.

    also, be sure to take one of the kid (clothed) with chocolate smeared on his face and a colander on his head.

    I wish I could remember that day.

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    One word: bubbles

    Especially the bubble bath beard. I have that one in an undisclosed location, slated to be opened in just about three years.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Just be careful who sees them. There are some pedophilic assholes into projection in different prosecutors’ offices that charge and prosecute such pictures as child porn.

    They don’t see innocence of new or nearly new life. They see sexual content. Not all of them, some just hope to fill a jury with perverts that will see it that way to help them boost their conviction record in their ultimate bid for the Governor’s Mansion.

  5. Drake Says:

    Not all of them, some just hope to fill a jury with perverts that will see it that way to help them boost their conviction record in their ultimate bid for the Governor’s Mansion.

    Well said.

  6. TD Says:

    with chocolate smeared on his face and a colander on his head.

    Look, that was LAST WEEK, just let me forget about it already!

  7. Jill Says:

    Agree with straightarrow.
    “They don’t see innocence of new or nearly new life. They see sexual content.” These are perverted minds that see themselves in others.

  8. triticale Says:

    Well yes, a bubble bath beard is exactly the way to figleaf that undisclosed location.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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