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Parker Round Up

I got nothing particularly insightful to say. But others do. Here goes:

Joe Huffman:

I’m really pleased Silberman mentioned nearly every thing I do in An Individual Right. Because of that there is virtually nothing for me to say beyond “two thumbs up” on the decision itself. What happens next is more interesting.

How dare those rich people defend their rights! How long before someone blames the evil gun lobby?


Mayor Fenty has rightly pledged to appeal the decision, an effort which must continue so that D.C. can keep benefiting from the security of the gun ban.

Bwahahaha. How do you know if Saul Cornell is lying? You’re reading his stuff.

Seen at Insty’s (who also has a round up of gun stuff): The bad news for gun control advocates is that the Supreme Court may adopt an expansive view of the Second Amendment. The worse news is that’s the least of their troubles.

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