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Quote of the day

Unidentified man to a criminal who had repeatedly stabbed a woman and was in the process of setting her on fire:

Stop, or I’m going to shoot. And if you run, I’m going to kill you

Update: This story troubles me. Not that some shit-weasel is a murderous fuck but that the other witnesses stood by or honked horns. Seriously?

9 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. #9 Says:

    Cue the ACLU. Any bets on who they will defend?

  2. homebru Says:

    No mention of a silver bullet being left behind.

  3. BobG Says:

    “This story troubles me. Not that some shit-weasel is a murderous fuck but that the other witnesses stood by or honked horns.”

    Doesn’t surprise me a bit. A lot of people won’t help others unless there is something in it for them. Plus a lot of people are programmed to wait for the authorities to deal with stuff, instead of helping other people.

    And if the guy who stopped the attack had hung around, they probably would have tried to find something with which to charge him.

  4. Phoenix Says:

    How did the armed good citizen brandishing a pistol escape the attention and apprehension by Jackson’s finest. Except for the “run and I’m going to kill you” threat he did the right thing by interceding and then disappearing.

  5. nk Says:

    God bless him. And may He forgive the “spectators”. And BTW “run and I’m going to kill you” is perfectly fine. You have a right to stop a violent felon from getting away to hurt another innocent person. And I agree that he did the right thing by not hanging around. In my very young victim advocate days, I found it impossible to help or console a store owner who prevented an armed robery but never saw his revolver again after the police took it. And it meant more than the cost of the gun. It had been grandfathered under Chicago’s then recent ban on handguns and a replacement gun would be illegal.

  6. David Says:

    Isn’t horn honking one of those nutty things proposed over in the UK as a way to deal with criminals? So, aren’t the horn honkers in this case just good citizens following this “good” advice?

    Unless you didn’t see it….that’s dripping in sarcasm. Horn honking…my butt….good on the guy with the gun.

  7. Josh Says:

    Were I the bystander, I would have hauled ass too. Wouldn’t want to get in trouble for “infringing the rights” of a man trying to kill his wife…

  8. Kristopher Says:

    The “unidentified man” did two things wrong.

    1) He opened his mouth.
    2) He failed to just kill the perp.

    The one thing right that he did was to simply walk away afterwards.

  9. straightarrow Says:

    It would have been difficult not to shoot him.

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