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World Series of Poker and Guns

They listed a bunch of clothing items that can’t be worn. One is:

Logos for habit-forming drugs, tobacco or handguns

‘Cause those are similar.

5 Responses to “World Series of Poker and Guns”

  1. BobG Says:

    Sounds like the BATF had some input.

  2. drstrangegun Says:

    I don’t know, my experience at the ‘shop leaves me believing that shooting CZ handguns is addictive.

  3. Gunstar1 Says:

    I have to disagree Uncle, I have not known anyone who can limit themselves to only one firearm. Which must mean they are habit forming. I also have the habit of carrying a firearm everywhere I go.

    In fact, I would not doubt it if handguns are a gateway to those EBRs!!

  4. dilvish Says:

    The rules don’t say anything about rifles….or knives…mortars…machine guns, etc……

  5. CJ Says:

    Of course they’re the same, Uncle… they all kill people! On their own… without any help from any people.

    Drugs… guns… and cigarettes… troll the streets looking for victims.

    And they shall not be advertised as an upstanding gathering like the World Series of Poker!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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