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Happy Birthday Sec 34-1a

That’s the law in Kennesaw, GA that states that every head of household must own a firearm and have the appropriate ammunition. It turns 25 this year.

I’m as gun nut as gun nut can be but mandating gun ownership seems a bit over the line.

Update: In comments, from Standard Mischief:

Jones said the ACLU challenged the law in a federal court just after it was passed. In response, the city added a clause adding conscientious objectors to the list of those exempt.

3 Responses to “Happy Birthday Sec 34-1a”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    If I could use freerepublic as a source:

    Jones said the ACLU challenged the law in a federal court just after it was passed. In response, the city added a clause adding conscientious objectors to the list of those exempt.

  2. straightarrow Says:

    While I appreciate the support that places like Kennesaw supply, I do not believe their ordinance is any more constitutional than I believe a ban would be.

    An unalienable right is exercised at the volition of the holder of that right. When that personal volition is removed so is the right, just as in the case of a ban or unconstitutional infringement which is any (ANY) infringement.

    I do see a way for Kennesaw and other venues with gun ownership requirements to get constitutional. An ordinance or policy of placing an unarmed victim of crime at a lower priority would not be a violation of the constitution. If an individual values his possessions and his life or body less than than his neighbor values his own, he has declared those concerns to be of a lower priority than his armed neighbor did. In other words if due to manpower restrictions or some other restrictive element only one case can be invesitgated in the immediate moment, the unarmed victim’s case would be second on the list or third or whatever number comes behind those crime victims who had placed a higher value on themselves.

    This does not violate the tenet of equal protection under the law, so long as the police answer calls to crimes in progress equally for all.

    After the fact, those not willing to have taken steps to protect themselves prior, should be put at a lower priority, if for no other reason than for being an encouragement for crime and an extra drain on the community and community services.

    Harsh? I don’t think so. If someone insists on being part of the problem or, at best, relies on others to always do for him what he should be prepared to, at least,attempt to do for himself he should realistically expect to not be favored over those who are trying to be part of the solution.

  3. Michael Says:

    I completely fogot the date it was established, sad seeing I live right out side of the city of Kennesaw.

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