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Terry Frank says Saddam had 1 million pounds of uranium.

5 Responses to “Yellowcake”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    She’s a blogger. Upload the unclassified documents as PDFs or it didn’t happen.

  2. #9 Says:

    Isn’t that old news?

    Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2005 9:58 p.m. EST
    Saddam’s 500-ton Uranium Stockpile

    Thanks to Leakgate Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald’s decision to indict “Scooter” Libby last week, Bush administration accuser Joe Wilson is once again the toast of Washington, D.C. – recycling the fifteen minutes of fame he first purchased in July 2003 with the claim that Bush lied about Iraq’s plan to acquire uranium from Niger.

    Why was Bush’s uranium claim so important? Because if true, the mere attempt by the Iraqi dictator to acquire uranium would show that he had clear and incontrovertible plans to restart his nuclear program.

    Maybe that’s why the press seldom discusses the fact that Saddam already had a staggeringly large stockpile of uranium – 500 tons, to be exact.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    My prediction; when the proof of his possession becomes indisputable the same people saying now “it never happened” will be saying “it doesn’t prove anything” and “it wasn’t weapons grade” and “he lacked the technical capability to make it into WMDs” and “so what? Our objections have never been about WMDs, but the illegality of the war”.

    Any bets?

  4. Rustmeister Says:

    Sorry, SA. That’s a sucker’s bet. 😛

  5. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    The comments in that are just funny.

    Never let the dream die, eh?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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