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Wal-mart and guns

Looks like Wal-Mart is cutting back on the number of stores that sell firearms. Wal-Mart has always been a good place to get various rifles, shotguns and ammo at a decent price. Well, if you want hunting stuff. Despite the fact that hunting is on the decline, gun sales have shown a marked increase recently. More people are buying guns for other activities. Maybe Wal-Mart should start selling handguns and evil black rifles? Of course, the PR issues after would get Wal-Mart out of the gun business completely.

3 Responses to “Wal-mart and guns”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    My local one did this, but they blamed it on the P.G. county maggots. All I wanted that day was a box of clays, and I had to drive 20 miles.

  2. chris Says:

    The Walmart on Walker Springs is terminating the sale of any type of guns, but will continue to sell ammo.

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    Downtown SLC Wal Mart dropped guns. But what’s weird is they now have the ammo out in the open, instead of behind the counter.

    That’s okay, though, because it pushes business to good guys like Gallenson’s, who sell everything, including handguns and EBRs.

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