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That’s really something you have to ask?

Me and some friends have a weekly [redacted] game. A bunch of guys sitting around drinking and [redacted]. We had one a bit back and one of my friends calls me up and says he’s got another player. I said Great, bring him on. My friend says He’s black. Is that OK?

There was a bit of silence. I was stumped. Is that something you have to ask these days? I really was uncertain how to respond. I, of course, have no problem with it but, obviously, at some point that was an issue for the guy. I, after recovering a bit from the awkwardness of that question, said that I had no problem with any new player. I surely have no problem with them based on skin color. Bring him on. I could use the [redacted]. I guess it may be an issue for some folks as racism is not a thing of the past.

Whenever we have our [redacted] game, we have a Hispanic dude that plays with us every week. No one ever asked if it was OK if he could come. And I hate Mexicans*.

* that’s a joke, for people that need to be told that sort of thing.

8 Responses to “That’s really something you have to ask?”

  1. k-romulus Says:

    That’s pretty, well, shocking . .. .

  2. k-romulus Says:

    The story, not the joke, I mean . . .

  3. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    As *the* white guy living in a three block radius that’s essentially all black, I can assure you that anyone who tells you race isn’t an issue anymore in this country is simply off their meds.

  4. Jokes Blog Search » Blog Archive » That’s really something you have to ask? Says:

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  5. Cam Says:

    Well, to be fair, Dungeons and Dragons IS predominately played by white guys. So maybe he just wanted to make sure that you, being Dungeon Master, were cool with it. 🙂

  6. mike hollihan Says:

    Or maybe he’s worried about someone else in the group and is testing the waters through you?

  7. Brutal Hugger Says:

    In New York, it’s considered impolite to bring a Republican to a party without asking permission first. People who violate this rule tend not to get invited back, especially if their Republican talks politics.

  8. straightarrow Says:

    Its a shame but indicative of our society. The man asking was acknowledging that he knew there are people for whom it is a concern, though it obviously isn’t a litmus test for him in his associations or he would have known the answer. Sounds like a live and let live kind of guy without a lot of baggage, but aware enough not to subject people to uncomfortable situations if he can help it.

    I have to admit color matters to me. If I look in the mirror and I have turned blue, I get real upset. :), otherwise, I don’t much care. Although I don’t like roast beef that has turned green, either.

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