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Book Recommendation?

Hola, Amigos. Been a while since I rapped at ya.

When life gets complicated, it’s always the small, habitual pleasures that slip– things like reading blogs and keeping up with friends I don’t see on a daily basis. And once slipped, it’s these things that don’t get picked up so easily again.

But I need some advice, and I thought the gunnies around here could help. Because I am a lawyer and because I am into guns and because I train in various knife arts, people often ask me what they can carry where. I never have answers because weapons laws are a thicket of overlapping state, local and federal stupidity. My goal in the next couple weeks is to correct that and to answer some simple questions for a friend who has applied for a handgun permit.

To start, I’m looking for a weapons law primer, preferably one centered on NYC and/or the surrounding states. I have the general lay of the land, but I want to have definitive answers when people ask how to get their gun from home to the range and back into storage without committing multiple felonies.

So, what’s the best book in this area?

9 Responses to “Book Recommendation?”

  1. SayUncle Says:

    Alan Korwin’s Gun Laws.

    Also, check out

  2. Brutal Hugger Says:

    Good tips. Thanks.

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    I’ll second

    It’s the first thing that came to mind.

  4. JustDoIt Says:

    Check out the book called “Armed Response” by David Kenick. It’s a “comprehensive guide to using firearms for self-defense” and IMO, should be required reading for ANYONE who carries concealed or openly.

    Very, very good information here.

  5. Alex Says:

    Move. Who the hell would want to live there anyway? The basis for this opinion? Born in Brooklyn, raised in Connecticut, moved South (Georgia), wouldn’t move back for real money.

  6. dr mac Says:

    A book would be outdated pronto.
    Forget PDO- not updated.
    Check out

  7. DirtCrashr Says:

    Here on the west-coast where gun-ownership is undergoing legal incremental strangulation, a book that is revised and printed each year is “How to own a gun and stay out of Jail” by John Machtinger – it might be a useful comparative sampler.

  8. TD Says:

    I don’t have anything helpful to add, but I do like the Jim Anchower reference.

  9. Brutal Hugger Says:

    Thanks, TD. I thought it appropriate.

    And thanks the others for the many suggestions.

    As to why I won’t move, the reasons are simple. I like living in this area. It’s not as much fun as it used to be, but I can still get up to a lot of trouble in this town. I have a lot of friends here, very deep roots in the community (I’ve never lived anywhere else), and all my family is here (which is suddenly important to me now that my sister had a kid).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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