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DNA evidence has cleared a Georgia man of rape, after 21 years in prison.

Willie Williams is being set free sometime today. Prosecutors say they’re convinced he didn’t do it.

Wow. A whole life wasted. More:

A group that helps wrongly convicted individuals asked for a test after it received a letter from Williams in 2005 saying he’d been wrongly imprisoned. He was convicted based on eye-witness testimony by the victim.

Authorities have started an investigation to find the actual rapist in the 1985 attack on a woman at an apartment complex parking lot.

I’d also find the eyewitness and consider throwing the book at her since her testimony basically ruined this guy’s life.

5 Responses to “Unreal”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    More likely, I would find the cops that set up the line up, I would not be surprised if they nudged the woman to pick this guy out. I wouldn’t necessarily blame the rape victim, as it’s hard for someone who goes through a trauma like that to accurately pick out the real perpetrator. In my opinion, nobody should ever be convicted on eye witness testimony alone.

  2. Ninth Stage Says:

    What Sean said.

    Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable. The best way around this problem is to shoot your attacker so that when the men with badges and clipboards ask “what did he look like?” you can point at the guy on the ground or in the gurney and say “he looks just like that guy”.

  3. Guav Says:

    8th New York Inmate in 13 Mos. Freed by DNA

  4. Captain Holly Says:

    Lucky he wasn’t imprisoned in North Carolina. They don’t consider DNA evidence to be too important there….

  5. t3rrible Says:

    >>”and Captain Holly connects with a strong uppercut to the jaw”>>>>>

    Free the Duke Three!!!!

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