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SayUncle’s SOTU Poll

4 Responses to “SayUncle’s SOTU Poll”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    I always saw it as him rubberstamping what Congress did, really. No vetos (vetoes?) to speak of.

  2. Tam Says:

    I’d like it to be “Look everybody! I found my veto pen! Gridlock city, here we come!”

    …but I’m not holding my breath.

  3. beerslurpy Says:

    I voted for the puppy speech because I predict he is going to offer us platitudes and non-solutions. Like his father, he will never admit that he fucked over the conservative base of the party or that his ineptitude had anything to do with our political misfortunes.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Platitueds and non-solutions. Isn’t that a puppy? 😉

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