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The Helmke Media Push

Any reader here registered over at the Huffington Post?

Paul Helmke of The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Ownership is pushing his ‘assault weapons and fewer cops’ are responsible for violent crime nonsense. He’s pushing it at the WaPo, The Hill and the HuffPo:

Over the past few years, however, the federal response seems to have reversed its efforts – COPS funding has been cut, the Assault Weapons Ban was allowed to expire, and the Brady background checks have been weakened. In effect, our national approach to fighting crime has gone from “more police and less guns” to “more guns and less police.” Is there any wonder violent crime is on the upswing?

I’ll repeat: Brady has issued grades for states. These grades are gun control rankings from A to F, with an A indicating more gun control and more in line with Brady’s goals. Strangely, most of the increase in violent crime occurred in states that earned higher Brady rankings. That’s unpossible!

Somebody go post that at the HuffPo.

Update: Federal background checks have been weakened? How is that? News to me.

3 Responses to “The Helmke Media Push”

  1. Fun Bob Says:

    Federal background checks have been weakened? How is that? News to me.

    My best guess is he is referring to NICS records retention. They don’t like instant background checks truly being ‘instant’.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    From a comment over there:

    Assault Weapons Ban. This is one I don’t agree with. I have an AR-15 “Clinton ban” model. The only difference between pre ban and “Clinton ban” rifles is simply cosmetic. My “Clinton ban” rifle does not have a flash surpressor and bayonette lug. Beyond that, my “Clinton ban” rifle is just as capable of creating just as much destruction and fireing just as many rounds as any pre ban AR-15. If you want to have an effect, go after high capacity magazine clips. This is what does the damage. No hunter needs a 30 round clip for his AR-15.

    Seriously, maybe I’m just more of a radical than I think, but people like this really piss me off. I don’t have to justify why I need a 30 round magazine… that’s the magazine that is meant to go with the damned rifle, so he can seriously kiss my ass. We are our own worst enemies, I’m telling you.

  3. countertop Says:

    Will do.

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