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I am a racist

Barack Hussein Obama says so:

Are there some voters who would not vote for an African America candidate because of race? I’m sure there are. Those are the same voters who probably wouldn’t vote for me because of my politics.

That’s as lame as me pointing out that his middle name is Hussein when it’s unnecessary. See, I don’t vote for big government, nanny-statists regardless of skin color. Rich says: I think I’ve learned all I need to know about Mr. Obama.

17 Responses to “I am a racist”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    Does that mean that any Democrat who votes for someone other than Obama in the primaries is a racist?

  2. #9 Says:

    Does that mean that any Democrat who votes for someone other than Obama in the primaries is a racist?

    That is the message. And it is a dumb message. The Democrats have the worst marketing of the two parties. They think guilt sells. What is the message here, affirmative action for the office of the President? Can you think of a dumber message?

    Obama has no experience. What other Presidential contender has run with Obama’s level of experience? You could ask the question for Vice President as well.

    If Obama is smart he will focus on 2012. This may all be a smokescreen so he can run in 2008 as Vice President. But he is burning bridges faster than they can be rebuilt.

  3. Brutal Hugger Says:

    I read that quote and came away with a different meaning. I read that to mean that if you are racist, you probably don’t agree with his politics. You read it as if you don’t agree, you are racist.

    Anyway, I don’t see what this guy has done that qualifies him for the presidency. I’m sort of waiting to hear it.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    I don’t see what this guy has done that qualifies him for the presidency.

    On that, we agree. As far as I can tell, his only qualifications are that he’s younger than most senators, he’s charismatic, and he’s black.

  5. Chris Says:

    I don’t care what color the guy is… he’s a bloom’in liberal! I wouldn’t vote for Obama is he looked like my twin! Don’t care about his experience level, either… just his position on the issues, and he’s on the wrong side of every one of them.

    Call me a radical, racist, whatever. I’m voting for the person who is most likely to represent my beliefs in our government. Hey, isn’t that the definition of a ‘representative government’?

  6. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I don’t think he’s saying everyone who won’t vote for him is racist, I think he’s saying that they type of people who are racist wouldn’t vote for him even if he were white, so worrying about racism is a worthless pursuit.

    I think it was directed more toward the democrats who argue against him as a presidential candidate because he’s black.

  7. beerslurpy Says:

    There’s a lot of people other than racists that wont vote for Obama based on politics.

  8. Les Jones Says:

    Hugger: I think you’re probably right about what he really meant.

  9. Rustmeister Says:

    I’m sure that’s what he meant, but then again, it did tweak me a bit.

    Less buffoonish than Kerry’s last faux pas, but still….

  10. I Think I Broke It » Apparently I’m A Racist Now Says:

    […]  Via SayUncle I get this lovely quote from Barack Hussein Obama: […]

  11. Matt Says:

    Alan Keyes would have had the same problem

  12. tgirsch Says:

    I agree with BH and Stormy. He’s by no means calling everyone who disagrees with his politics a “racist.” You have to squint pretty hard to read it that way.

  13. SayUncle » No, it’s because I’m racist Says:

    […] Remember, that’s why I won’t vote for Barrack Obama. Not because he’s anti-freedom or anything important like that. […]

  14. J in Detroit Says:

    One might observe that Mr. Obama has less legislative experience and certainly less legislative success than Dan Quayle who was almost universally castigated by the legacy media and the Democrats as having insufficient experience to hold the office of vice president.

  15. tgirsch Says:

    J in Detroit:

    Democrats didn’t castigate Quayle for his lack of experience. They castigated him for being a moron.

  16. The Bitch Girls :: Here’s My Bitch About Obama Says:

    […] I’m almost curious if this isn’t a theme for press coverage being pitched by Obama, his team or the Democrats.  Sure, they won’t come right out and call all of the GOP votes racist, but if they can appeal to the white guilt of a few independents, they’ll be happy to do it. […]

  17. The Bitch Girls :: When They Need to Mislead in the Headlines Says:

    […] we could have there. In particular, she’s referencing Barak Obama who also talks about how anyone who disagrees with him would vote for someone else because they are racist. But has Anna written an article about those […]

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