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Big boom

I don’t recommend doing it. But I’ll gladly watch video of someone else doing it:

Via Standard Mischief who opines on the relative safety of it.

6 Responses to “Big boom”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Would this be a sub-category of Xavier’s “Idiots With Guns” ?

  2. Xrlq Says:

    On Bloglines, “Big Boom” appears immediately below “Fart Joke.” Was the former intended to be the punch line for the latter?

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    He drops it in a fire that’s surrounded by mostly intact logs, steps away and moves way back behind some trees. He states the area is deserted.

    If you are going to cook off ammo, how else could you do it any safer? Wear shooting glasses?

    Here’s one that looks like an idiot, although I’m not sure if it’s a real firearm or not. Clearly the finger is on the trigger.


    This also ties in with the bumpkey thread. (Almost) all of your padlocks have now been pwnd by a piece of a beer can. While not new, the info is widespread thanks to you-tube & google.

  4. Rustmeister Says:

    SM, I see where you’re coming from, but

    He drops it in a fire

    Pretty much does it for me. 😛

  5. Standard Mischief Says:


    Fair enough. Life is full of risks, at least this was a calculated one.

  6. Standard Mischief Says:

    better padlock shim video

    They don’t stress it, but make sure you are wearing your safety goggles, watch for sharp edges, and play responsability. And that’s only to watch the video.

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