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A tit-in

I got nothing to say, really. Just wanted to use that pun. Story:

Breastfeeding mothers will conduct “nurse-ins” today against Delta Air Lines at more than a dozen U.S. airports.

They are upset because a nursing mother was removed from a Delta commuter flight operated by Freedom Airlines from Burlington, Vermont, to New York last month. A flight attendant asked Emily Gillette to cover up as she was feeding her one-year-old and when she complained, she was asked to get off the plane.

I like my name better. That is all, as you were.

10 Responses to “A tit-in”

  1. BobG Says:

    Would this be classified as a “boobcott”?

  2. Marc Says:

    They’re “boobin on up”.

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    What a bunch of boobs.

  4. mike hollihan Says:

    The solution to PDB (public displays of breastfeeding) is simple: walk over and watch. Don’t leer, just stand there and watch. If she complains, be nice and just suggest she look elsewhere. You’re just standing there. Nothing wrong with that!

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Heh, that’s funny.

  6. AughtSix Says:

    And, with a new acronym, PDB, this post is nicely tied in with the one about AR building. I wonder if the proud AR father will appreciate a new level of humor to his psuedonym. 🙂

  7. ben Says:

    What a bunch of ass muscles. Quit getting down on PDB, and stop talking about tits, I can’t stand it.

  8. Tycug Says:

    I thought plan B was to take pictures/videos of them and sell those to fetish websites.

    That’d show ’em.

  9. _Jon Says:

    Sorry, I just thought you had a lithp…

  10. pax Says:

    Well, if they’re going to confiscate all liquids (including baby bottles full of expressed milk) at the gate, what do they expect moms and babies to do?

    You folks really want the plane to be full of screaming babies who can’t be fed?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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