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Mike Pence:

Some will argue that we lost our majority because of scandals at home and challenges abroad. I say, we did not just lose our majority, we lost our way.

While the scandals of the 109th Congress harmed our cause, the greatest scandal in Washington, D.C. is runaway federal spending.

After 1994, we were a majority committed to balanced federal budgets, entitlement reform and advancing the principles of limited government. In recent years, our majority voted to expand the federal government’s role in education, entitlements and pursued spending policies that created record deficits and national debt.

This was not in the Contract with America and Republican voters said, ‘enough is enough.

Our opponents will say that the American people rejected our Republican vision. I say the American people didn’t quit on the Contract with America, we did. And in so doing, we severed the bonds of trust between our party and millions of our most ardent supporters.

As the 110th Congress convenes next year, Republicans must cordially accept defeat and dedicate ourselves to advancing our cause as the loyal opposition knowing that the only way to retake our natural, governing majority, is to renew our commitment to limited government, national defense, traditional values and reform.

Unfortunately, it took an ass-whooping to get the point across.

4 Responses to “Ayup”

  1. Ninth Stage » Blog Archive » Oh, Now They Get It Says:

    […] Dumbasses needed whacking with a cluebat. […]

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    Unc says:

    Unfortunately, it took an ass-whooping to get the point across.

    I’m not 100% sure they got the point. We’ll see what happens next. Will we get “Contract with America 2; son of Contract with America” with the byline “this time we really meant it. No kidding now, not only will we give it a floor vote, but we promise to pass it too!” ?

    Of course this is the perfect opportunity for a third party like the Libertarians to step up to the plate and do some moving and shaking, but knowing them, they’ll fuck it up just like every other time.

    Jacqueline Passey notes that Joel Winters was elected to the New Hampshire State House of Representatives. Although he is associated with the Free State Project, his website (link above) seems to imply that there isn’t a large “L” after his name.

    Meanwhile, here’s how the official large “L” Libertarians did in New Hampshire:

    State Representative, District 4, Robert Kingsbury (L)
    0.8% FINAL
    State Representative, District 7, Lisa Wilber (L)
    2% FINAL
    State Representative, District 27, Matthew Kahn (L)
    0.5% FINAL

  3. tkdkerry Says:

    Have the Dems ever got the point by being pushed out of power? Why would the GOP?

  4. gattsuru Says:

    Big-L Libertarians : the real reason not to do drugs.

    TKDkerry, the Democrats never plan to learn. They didn’t need to change their opinions, just get the country to agree with them. They can do that.

    The Republicans don’t have that ability. They can’t scare people into wanting gun rights, or encourage promiscous behavior til every family knows the terror of wanting to save something that may or may not be human. Same goes for the terror of high taxes; people have been too trained by society to automatically associate taxes with useful services. The only remotely scary thing the Republicans have to offer is gays and the Democrats.

    The former doesn’t tend to move many people, politically at least.

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