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Staying Red

Via Terry Frank, comes the Crystal Ball for the 2006 elections. My prediction: the senate stays red.

8 Responses to “Staying Red”

  1. ben Says:

    I’ve got three bets for $10 each that say the GOP retains control of both the house and the senate.

  2. john h Says:

    Senate stays red, barely, but the House turns is, after all, the more ‘small-d’ democratic of the two bodies.

    I am willing to wager an entire full course dinner at Brown’s diner here in nashville on the House outcome

  3. SayUncle Says:

    you think they’ll pick up 17ish seats?

  4. Lean Left » My Wholly Uninformed Election Predictions Says:

    […] Everybody else seems to be putting themselves out there, so I might as well do the same. After the midterms: […]

  5. john h Says:

    I’m guessing the Dems pick up 20-22 seats. I think the 30-45 predictions are a little optimistic (well, optimistic from ‘my’ perspective!), because incumbency is a ‘tough out’.

    I think Corker will hold on here, and that Allen will eke out Virginia, despite the fact that he has shot himself in both feet. Allen’s presidential hopes are pretty much the same as a literal macaca, though.

  6. jimmyb Says:

    Sheesh what a mess.
    I’m not a betting man, but I’m not beyond praying…and voting.

  7. Les Jones Says:

    I got that email this morning from Larry Saboto’s mailing list. I knew from 2004 that he was pro-Democrat and somewhat optimistic about Dem’s chances. I think with this latest prediction he’s gone beyond optimistic to pie-eyed.

  8. #9 Says:

    There are still three days left for John Kerry to share some more wisdom. You can stick a fork in him, he is done.

    It is too early to call. Wait until Monday afternoon. The news cycle from noon to midnight will tell the tale. Desperate politicians do desperate things. Most backfire. If the trend analysis is correct, it will be closer in the house than projected. The Senate will stay red. I see Corker winning by 5 points. I had thoughts the margin would be 3 points last Wednesday.

    The theme I observe is the hold your nose and vote theme. That could be pivotal. Too many stories of buyers remorse from early voters are affecting those who will vote on November 7th. The Sunday talking head shows should be interesting.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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