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Oh, so that was the plan

Bob Corker’s campaign has been awful. He’s not engaging, not charismatic, not showing up, and generally not been around much. I guess his plan was to sit back, keep his mouth shut, and wait for Harold Ford, Jr. to do something stupid. It took a while, I bet Corkie’s folks were sweating.

One Response to “Oh, so that was the plan”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    According to a moderate Republican friend of mine, the GOP has matched stupid-for-stupid. The party has been running an ad linking Ford to a playboy bunny, and it’s backfiring and apparently turning some swing voters against Corker. Supposedly, Corker himself has condemned the ad and asked the national party to retract it, and the national party (or RSCC or whatever) has refused to do so, over their own candidate’s objections.

    As Ron White says, you can’t fix stupid.

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